Nur Aliah Mansor is a Lecturer at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Perak. She was previously with Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Her research focuses specifically on online communities, online methodologies, mobile methodologies, prosumer, emotions, and mediated behavioural change. She is completing her Ph.D. in New Media at Bangor University, United Kingdom and completed her master’s at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. She has been the principal investigator of a research grant in Instagram and behavioural change sponsored by the university. She is a member of the Association of Internet Researchers. She has a vast interest in East Asia culture. Folding origami with her nephews and niece is her favourite downtime activity.
Teaching Statement
I believe whatever you dream of doing, you should start today and not wait 20 years only to regret that you didn’t start earlier. Life is like a baseball game; sometimes you hit, sometimes you don’t. It’s all about learning from your mistakes, then hitting a base run or even a home run.
I know that textbooks and class materials alone are not sufficient for effective teaching. No blueprint for life is available. One must go out of her comfort zone to make herself a fully formed person. Outside-the-classroom lessons are equally as important as inside-the-classroom lessons. Many graduates have potential but they’re not sure of their capabilities. They want quick results and to contribute to a “greater good” that they often cannot define. Passion and patience are just a few of my life values that help to form the foundation of my teaching; I hope to pass these life values on to my students.
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